Data Insight Of Crime Against Children with Tableau


Bhumi Mehta
Tableau Developer


It is said that “One can depict the whole story in a single picture, which is as informative as descriptive words and sometimes much more expressive.” The aim behind this article is to get a overall view and knowledge about the crimes that are imposed or enacted against children by categorizing the overall crime rate into different categorical areas so as to get concise and precise knowledge.For this article we have taken real time data of crime that were enacted against children from the year 2001 to 2012. Visualizing data through graphs will make it much easier to view data.

Working with the Data

In the journey of visualizing data, the data goes through various stages. Firstly the data is gathered from various sources, then it is cleaned and sorted in the required manner as the raw data may contain some unwanted values. After making the data ready with the help of different combinations of dimensions and measures the graphs are plotted. Also some calculated fields are made by applying some operations on the two or more measures which will be helpful in plotting of graphs.

The different graphs depicted with the help this data are:-

1. Total crime in each state
2. Total percent of crime in each state
3. Total percentage of different crimes in India
4. Word map of different crimes
5. Average cimerate of different crimes in year 2001-2003
6. Average cimerate of different crimes in year 2004-2006
7. Average cimerate of different crimes in year 2007-2009
8. Average cimerate of different crimes in year 2010-2012
9. Yearwise trend of crimerate in India

1. Total crime in each state

The graph above picturize the overall crime committed against children all over India in the years from 2001 to 2012. The darker the colour the higher percent of crime imposed on children and lighter the colour less the percent of crime against children.

2. Total percent of crime in each state

After getting the overall picture of crime enacted against children the graph above gives the total percent of crime occured in each individual state.The graph depicts the descending rate(higher to lower) of crime done on children.Also it is clearly defined by the variation of color shades,where dark shade depicts higher crime rate and lighter shade depicts lower rate of crime.Here its clearly seen that Uttar Pradesh have higher rate of crime done against children and Lakshadweep have the least crime done against children.

3. Total percentage of different crimes in India

After getting the idea about the crime that were imposed over children in different states let’s get into more deep insight by exploring the different types of crimes that are being done against children. In the above graph clearly depicts the different types of crimes that are imposed against children.Apart from these types there are other types of crime that are done against children but the main categories are those depicted in the graph.It gives the overall percentage of particular crime imposed against children. Here it is clearly picturized that children are being kidnapped at high rate which is one of the great concerns that have to be lower down and possibly eradicate it.

4. Word map of different crimes

The previous graph depicts the total percentage of different areas in which the crimes are enacted against children. Through word cloud it picturize the overall scenario of main types of crimes done against children by the different font size of the particular type in accordance to its number of occurance.In word map larger the font size of the particular type depicts the higher rate of occurrence and smaller the font size of the particular type tends to lower rate of occurrence.This gives an easy way to visualize the data by just taking a single glance of it.

5. Average crime rate of different crimes in year 2001-2003

From the previous graphs we got the knowledge about the different sections of crimes done against children in the years from 2001 to 2012. To get more deeper insight we just divided 12 years into 4 trimisters. The above graph depicts the crimes that happened against children in the years from 2001 to 2003.In these three years the children were kidnapped in high rate which is depicted with drker shade of color.

6. Average cimerate of different crimes in year 2004-2006

After getting the idea about the crime rate in the first trimester(2001-2003) now let’s get into the insights of second trimester that is from year 2004 to 2006. In this trimister it is being picturized clearly that the crime associated with rape of children has been recorded in higher rate. In this trimister kidnapping is also the second most recorded crime but the crime rate has been increased from the first trimister.The increase in crime rate of particular crime gives the clear idea that the effective measures should be applied to get over the increasing rate.

7. Average crime rate of different crimes in year 2007-2009

After getting the deep insights about the first two trimesters about the crime imposed against children.Now let’s move forward and get the insights of the third trimester that is from year 2007 to 2009. Through the above graph we get the clear idea that the crime rate of kidnapping of children is again recorded the highest crime enacted in this trimester.Apart from kidnapping the rate of all the crime sections are increasing as the years are increasing, which is one of the main areas of concern where steps should be taken to decrease the rate or eradicate completely.

8. Average cimerate of different crimes in year 2010-2012

The fourth trimester that is from year 2009 to 2012 gives the knowledge that kidnapping of children has the higher crime rate and rape of children is the second most crime enacted in this trimester. But also the other crime heads are also increasing year by year. Again it gives a clear idea that the crime rate of each crime head is increasing in every trimester. This increasing rate should be taken under the deep knowledge to decreasing them and eventually eradicate it.

9. Year wise trend of crime rate in India

After getting the insights of each trimester individually about the crime rate of all individual crime head or crime sections, the above graph describes the 12 years trend about the crime rate that is from year 2001 to 2012. The graph here depicts the overall trend of crime rate imposed against children.The above graph gives a clear knowledge that the crime rate is drastically increasing every year. This drastic increase is one of the great areas of concern.


At last after analysing the data of crime enacted against children from almost every angle it picturizes very clearly that the crime rate of each individual crime area is just going on increasing every year. So, as a responsible citizen of our nation its our duty to spread awareness among people to lower down the crime rate by taking different measures like literating children.

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