Academy of Data Science

Certification program in Data Modeling & Preprocessing with MSSQL

Course Duration

Tools Covered

Learning Mode

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Full Course Content

1. Databases – MySQL and SQL Queries

  1. Introduction to MySQL
  2. What is the MSSQL?
  3. How do I Install MSSQL?
  4. Connecting to the MSSQL
  5.  Creating and Selecting a database
  6.  Adding data to a table
  7. Executing multiple queries
  8. Exporting and Importing data tables.

2. Structural & Functional Database Management (DDL DML)

  1. SQL Syntax
  2. SQL Create Command
  3. SQL Alter Command
  4. SQL Truncate
  5. SQL Delete
  6. SQL Update
  7. SQL Set
  8. SQL Select
  9. SQL Distinct
  10. SQL Where Clause
  11. SQL And & Or
  12. SQL Order By
  13. SQL Insert 

3. SQL Functions

  1. Single Row Functions
  2. String Functions, Aggregate Function, Round,
    Truncate, Max, Min, Date-Time Functions
  3. General Functions
  4. Count, Average, Sum etc.

4. Joining Tables

  1. Obtaining data from Multiple Tables
  2. Types of Joins (Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join &
    Full Join)
  3. Sub-Queries Vs. Joins

5. Operators (Data using Group Function)

  1. Distinct, Order by, Group by, Equal to etc. 

6. Database Objects (Constraints & Views)

  1. Not Null
  2. Unique
  3. Primary Key
  4. Foreign Key

7. SQL Advance

  1. SQL Like
  2. SQL Wildcards
  3. SQL In
  4. SQL Between
  5. SQL Alias
  6. SQL Union/Union All

8. SSIS SQL Server Data tool (SSDT)

  1. Data Import Export
  2. Transformations
  3. Variables
  4. Parameters
  5. Containers 

9. SQL Aggregate Functions

  1. SQL Avg()
  2. SQL Count()
  3. SQL Max()
  4. SQL Min()
  5. SQL Sum()
  6. SQL Group By clause
  7. SQL Having clause